Understanding GST State Codes: A Comprehensive Guide

Sneha Ramesh
2 min readMar 25, 2024


GST State Codes


In the realm of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India, the system operates with a complex network of codes to efficiently manage transactions across different states. Among these, GST State Codes play a crucial role in facilitating seamless taxation processes. Let’s delve deeper into what these codes entail and how they function within the GST framework.

What are GST State Codes?

GST State Codes are unique two-digit numerical or alphanumeric representations assigned to each state and union territory in India. These codes serve as identifiers for specific geographical regions within the GST system. Every state and union territory has its own distinct code, allowing for precise categorization and tracking of transactions.

Significance of GST State Codes:

  • Uniformity in Taxation: The implementation of GST State Codes ensures uniformity in taxation procedures across the country, despite the diverse regulatory landscapes of different states.
  • Efficient Tax Administration: By assigning specific codes to each state and union territory, tax authorities can effectively manage and regulate GST-related activities, including tax collection, compliance, and enforcement.
  • Ease of Transaction: Businesses and taxpayers rely on GST State Codes to accurately determine the applicable tax rates, input tax credit eligibility, and other regulatory requirements based on the location of the transaction.

Understanding the Format:

GST State Codes typically consist of two characters, with the first digit representing the region and the second digit denoting the specific state or union territory within that region. However, some states and union territories may have alphanumeric codes for better differentiation.

Examples of GST State Codes:

  • Maharashtra: 27
  • Uttar Pradesh: 09
  • Delhi: 07
  • Tamil Nadu: 33
  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands: 35
  • Lakshadweep: LD

It’s important to note that while most states have numerical codes, certain union territories and states with unique requirements may have alphanumeric codes for easier identification.


In the intricate web of India’s GST framework, State Codes stand as vital components facilitating smooth taxation processes. Understanding these codes is crucial for businesses, tax professionals, and policymakers alike to navigate the complexities of GST compliance efficiently. By ensuring accurate application and interpretation of GST State Codes, India can continue its journey towards a more streamlined and transparent taxation system, benefiting both the government and taxpayers. Mastering GST State Codes is essential for accurate filing of GST returns and ensuring compliance with India’s taxation regulations. Mastering GST State Codes is essential for accurate filing of GST returns and ensuring compliance with India’s taxation regulations.



Sneha Ramesh

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